This cashmere collection is a collaboration with Frenckenberger, who are a Swiss fashion label, founded by the fabulous fashion team Terry-Ann Frencken and Nathalie Schönenberger, specialising in off-the-chart glorious, luxurious (expensive) knitwear.

Victoria aka VMC aka Mrs Shane was introduced to Terry-Ann and Nathalie by Johnny Depp late one night, after a lot of red wine was consumed, specifically a nice vintage Burgundy. 

The location was the Zurich film festival, where they were launching the Crock of Gold film (a magnificent documentary about Shane, directed by Julien Temple and produced by Johnny and Victoria)   

The Frenckenbergers were instantly entranced by the VMC angel scarves that Victoria and Johnny were wearing, and they had the idea of doing a version with their super deluxe hand woven Italian cashmere, which has sold all over the globe and will make its way into space when the opportunity arises.

Ecstatic with the results, they had the genius idea of also doing a range of Shane's art, hand woven in cashmere, on sweaters and blankets and here it is! Even the leprechauns are enchanted, and it was probably their idea in the first place, just so they could get their faces out there, with the hope of securing a perfume deal.